梅尧臣(1002~1060)字圣俞,世称宛陵先生,北宋著名现实主义诗人。汉族,宣州宣城(今属安徽)人。宣城古称宛陵,世称宛陵先生。初试不第,以荫补河南主簿。50岁后,于皇祐三年(1051)始得宋仁宗召试,赐同进士出身,为太常博士。以欧阳修荐,为国子监直讲,累迁尚书都官员外郎,故世称“梅直讲”、“梅都官”。曾参与编撰《新唐书》,并为《孙子兵法》作注,所注为孙子十家著(或十一家著)之一。有《宛陵先生集》60卷,有《四部丛刊》影明刊本等。词存二首。 梅尧臣的古诗词
这首诗词以其优美的语言和深刻的意境,展示了宋代文人的生活态度和审美追求,体现了中国古代文人的独特情趣和精神追《九月五日得姑苏谢学士寄木兰堂官酝》 is a poem written by Mei Yaochen during the Song Dynasty. Here is the Chinese translation, the poetic meaning, and an analysis of the poem:
Chinese Translation:
Poetic Meaning:
The poem describes the author receiving a gift of Mulan wine from Xie, a scholar from Suzhou, on the fifth day of September. The poem uses concise and refined language to express the author's joy and appreciation of a beautiful moment. The author observes his public field, even though the crops of millet are not yet ripe, he feels satisfied and joyful. He drinks clear wine from his cup and reads the book "Dan Jing" on his desk, enjoying the tranquility and the fulfillment brought by knowledge. Suddenly, a guest arrives from Dongting Lake, bringing beautiful tales of Wu and Cheng. They speak of the clear wine brewed from the dew of Mulan flowers, filling the jar with its purity. The fragrance of the Mulan flowers lingers, and the jade vessel preserves the splendid petals. As the chrysanthemums are just beginning to bloom, the author comes to listen beneath the flowers. With a sip, he becomes intoxicated, and no one can understand his inebriation. His intoxication can no longer be explained, and his worries disappear for a hundred days.
This poem depicts a leisurely and joyful moment, expressing the author's yearning for and pursuit of a good life. The poem employs rich imagery and sensory descriptions, transporting the reader to a serene and beautiful realm. Through the portrayal of natural scenery and human emotions, the author conveys his love for life and his pursuit of beauty. The entire poem evokes a fresh and sincere atmosphere, providing a pleasant and comfortable experience.
The poet employs natural scenery and the culture of wine to incorporate the pursuit of knowledge and art, showcasing spiritual richness and contentment. Simultaneously, by describing the early blooming chrysanthemums, the poem expresses a sense of appreciation for the short but beautiful nature of life, echoing the transience and preciousness of life. The poem uses simple language to create a beautiful realm, inspiring readers to contemplate life and the pursuit of beauty.
With its graceful language and profound imagery, this poem showcases the life attitude and aesthetic pursuit of literati during the Song Dynasty, reflecting the unique sentiment and spiritual pursuit of ancient Chinese literati.
jiǔ yuè wǔ rì dé gū sū xiè xué shì jì mù lán táng guān yùn
gōng tián wǔ shí mǔ, zhǒng shú qiū wèi chéng.
bēi zhōng wú zhuó jiǔ, àn shàng wéi dān jīng.
hū yǒu dòng tíng kè, měi chuán wū yǔ chéng.
yán shèng mù lán lù, niàng zuò wèng jiān qīng.
mù lán xiāng wèi xiē, yù àng zhù huá yīng.
zhèng zhí jú chū chè, biàn lái huā xià qīng.
yī yǐn wèi jūn zuì, shuí néng jiě wú chéng.
wú chéng yǐ bù jiě, bǎi rì máo gǔ qīng.