陆游(1125—1210),字务观,号放翁。汉族,越州山阴(今浙江绍兴)人,南宋著名诗人。少时受家庭爱国思想熏陶,高宗时应礼部试,为秦桧所黜。孝宗时赐进士出身。中年入蜀,投身军旅生活,官至宝章阁待制。晚年退居家乡。创作诗歌今存九千多首,内容极为丰富。著有《剑南诗稿》、《渭南文集》、《南唐书》、《老学庵笔记》等。 陆游的古诗词
In September and October, frost covers the roof tiles, and my family fears the yellowing of the vegetable fields together;
Small jars and large urns are used to store clean laundry, while green vegetables and leeks are carefully preserved.
As the weather turns cold, my hands skillfully handle the tasks at hand, while the salt from Wu is pure white and the mountain spring water is fragrant.
Holding a book, I watch the joy of the pear blossoms nearby, and I diligently wash the knife to prepare meals as a busy cook.
The gardener lies idle, basking in the sun, while discarded leaves pile up in the empty corridor.
Clay seals are used to store food, and bran is used as fuel for the fire, carefully guarded and not to be consumed out of season.
In life, everyone has their own status, and when the flowers bloom, it is time to celebrate.
Liu Ling, sick and thirsty, longs for fine wine, but how can I offer him a feast of fish and meat?
At this time, frozen porridge is worth a fortune, while the faces of foxes, springs, and locust leaves are not worth mentioning.
With a contented belly from rubbing and massaging, I continue the tradition of singing and passing down the story of the ice jar.
xián jī shí yùn
jiǔ yuè shí yuè wū wǎ shuāng, jiā rén gòng wèi qí shū huáng xiǎo yīng dà wèng shèng dí zhuó, qīng sōng lǜ jiǔ jǐn xù cáng.
tiān qì chū hán shǒu jué miào, wú yán zhèng bái shān quán xiāng.
xié shū páng guān xī zi xǐ, xǐ dāo jié zuò chú rén máng, yuán dīng wú shì wò pù rì, qì yè láng jí duī kōng láng.
ní wèi jiān fēng kāng zuò huǒ, shǒu hù bù gǎn fēi shí cháng.
rén shēng gè zì yǒu guì jiàn, bǎi huā kāi shí cù gāo yàn.
liú líng bìng chéng xiàng rú kě, zhǎng yú dà ròu hé yóu jiàn? dòng jī cǐ jì jià qiān jīn, bù shù hú quán huái yè miàn.
mā sā biàn fù yī xīn rán, zuò gē liáo xù bīng kǔn chuán.