杜牧(公元803-约852年),字牧之,号樊川居士,汉族,京兆万年(今陕西西安)人,唐代诗人。杜牧人称“小杜”,以别于杜甫。与李商隐并称“小李杜”。因晚年居长安南樊川别墅,故后世称“杜樊川”,著有《樊川文集》。 杜牧的古诗词
冬日五湖馆水亭怀别 (英文:Farewell to the Water Pavilion at Five Lakes in Winter)
芦荻花多触处飞 (英文:The reeds and catkins are abundant, flying at a touch),
独凭虚槛雨微微 (英文:Alone, I lean on the empty railing, with gentle rain falling).
寒林叶落鸟巢出 (英文:In the cold forest, leaves fall, and birds leave their nests),
古渡风高渔艇稀 (英文:At the ancient ferry, the wind blows high, and fishing boats are few).
云抱四山终日在 (英文:Clouds embrace the four mountains, always present),
草荒三径几时归 (英文:Grass overgrows the three paths, but when will I return?).
江城向晚西流急 (英文:In the evening, the river city faces west, and the current flows swiftly),
无限乡心闻捣衣 (英文:With an infinite longing for my hometown, I hear the sound of laundry pounding).
dōng rì wǔ hú guǎn shuǐ tíng huái bié
lú dí huā duō chù chù fēi, dú píng xū kǎn yǔ wēi wēi.
hán lín yè luò niǎo cháo chū,
gǔ dù fēng gāo yú tǐng xī.
yún bào sì shān zhōng rì zài, cǎo huāng sān jìng jǐ shí guī.
jiāng chéng xiàng wǎn xī liú jí, wú xiàn xiāng xīn wén dǎo yī.