by analyzing the totalitarian system and the power of language, this article tries to probe the vital role that the power of language plays in this text.
the advanced totalitarian system depends on manipulatory devices so refined, complex, and powerful that it no longer needs murderers and victims.
almost every day i am struck by the ambiguity of this social quiescence, which is the visible expression of an invisible war between the totalitarian system and life itself
they discovered how far things can go when the door to a plurality of opinions and interests is opened: the totalitarian system itself is jeopardized.
with the silent blessing of vladimir putin, russia's prime minister and his patron, mr kadyrov has created a totalitarian system in the province.
obviously, the totalitarian system is in essence (and in principle) directed against the story.
the past twenty years in czechoslovakia can almost serve as a textbook illustration of how an advanced or late totalitarian system works.
the totalitarian system did not fall from the sky fully developed.