The accident had left him almost totally blind in the left eye.
So if a totally blind person were to come into a room and then scan around it, that person would be able to see the furniture, the people… who was there or if they had moved.
Zrenner and his team implanted their device in three patients, all of whom had been born with normal vision, but had become almost totally blind due to retinal degeneration.
The disease progresses slowly so that most are totally blind by the time they're in their 30s or early 40s.
He is totally blind now.
And this is also true for totally blind people.
According to the guitarist, Jeff says he was diagnosed with a collapse of the optic nerve. , but was told his chances of going totally blind were low.
According to the guitarist, he was diagnosed with a collapse of the optic nerve, but was told his chances of going totally blind were low.
One report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his home, using facial vision.
A totally blind man can see nothing.