if this happens, go and do something totally unrelated to what you were working on.
it is possible that elderly people will become forgetful, disoriented and confused due to a quickly reversible condition that is totally unrelated to dementia.
instead they followed up the classic with a series of cheesy sequels in the '80s that were totally unrelated to his book.
havent been working for so long…not used to it. but am working on something totally unrelated (will tell you later on when i get better at it).
sometimes, an idea can be totally unrelated to the source of your inspiration, but the key is that spark, that energy, that ignition that gets your mind going.
pipeline can only be used with a genetic relationship between the process of communication, if two totally unrelated processes to communicate, you need to use named pipes, or fifo.
an art exhibition different and totally unrelated to any official event of the handover anniversary.
if shield currents are not returned properly, they can show up in a remote part of the system and perhaps cause trouble in a location totally unrelated to the shielding problem that was 「solved.」
many of the cravings patients feel are emotional; totally unrelated to real hunger. how can a weight loss surgery of any kind manage emotional hunger? it cannot.