Finally, a rapid calibrating model to determine total sugar content and total acids content and the moisture content of hermaphrodites vitis NW196 wild grape had been developed.
The results showed that, during the process of fruit growth and development, the total sugar content appeared the 「up-down-up」 trend and the total acid content was the 「up-down」 trend.
After a period of storage, the respiratory intensity is increased to peak level and the total sugar content will...
In the late stage of fruit enlargement and before fruit maturation, the total sugar content in the juice sacs was higher than that in the peel and similar to that in the vascular bundles.
With a total sugar content of around 38%, the custard apple is not a low calorie fruit. People who need to keep tabs on their blood sugar levels should especially avoid eating too much.
When the strain preparation is spayed, the soluble total sugar content and the reducing sugar content of tobaccos can be increased, while protein, total nitrogen and nicotine content are reduced.