at noon elijah began to taunt them. 「shout louder!」 he said.
being in school, around other people, helps him cope, he writes, but the voices continue to taunt him.
i suggest those mocking manchester united fans rip down that banner at old trafford and think of something else to taunt city about.
ordered back into combat, dale ends up trying to kill ray when he chooses to taunt the policeman about picking on children.
if i did not know it to be beyond you, i might think you were trying to taunt me.
they liked to taunt him when he came to fetch hot water for lady arya「s bath.
the california staff likes to use the videoconferencing system to taunt its new york city colleagues with the fresh vegetables from the french laundry」s large outdoor garden and greenhouse.
my captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
zhang yidi mixes humor into his drawings to taunt diversified people seduced by desire. he becomes an artist criticizing realism with a smile.
to his surprise, john didn「t even try to taunt or tease. instead, he just gave him a friendly slap on the back. 「right, myron.」
chances are good you won」t have to taunt for them again.
this is why we are leaning towards just giving paladins a brand new ability to taunt , but i'll announce it for sure when we are sure.