to tend towards中文,to tend towards的意思,to tend towards翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:00 浏览次数 1

to tend towards


to tend towards 例句


  • 3 At the turning point of history, sustainable existence will be the jumping-off point to tend towards new civilization.

    可持续生存构成了时代文明转向的基础 ,并成为迈进新文明的起点。

  • Checking his steps which had begun to tend towards an object, he took a turn or two in the already darkening street, and traced the thought in his mind to its possible consequences.

    他正往一个目标走去,却站住了,走上了已经黑下来的街道。 他拐了一两个弯,掂量着心里想法的可能后果。

  • 3 The treatise tries to make an in-depth study of the detailed reasons courses influence of Kuomintang's thrice divisions by using the ways of synthesis and analysis and comparison so as to explain how Li Denghui induced Kuomintang to tend towards self-murder.

