during his trial, bonny was asked to testify on rackham「s behalf when she uttered the famous line: "if he had fought like a man, he need not have been hanged like a dog.
i jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.
earlier this month, ms campbell was ordered to testify at the international criminal court in the netherlands over allegations that she received a rough-cut diamond as a gift from mr taylor.
he said if i felt i had to do more, we should just dump the records on the press and even offer to testify before the senate judiciary committee.
he had spent more than seven months in jail for refusing to testify and turn over to federal prosecutors a videotape of a 2005 street demonstration in san francisco.
he forced several journalists to testify to a grand jury as to who from the administration had told them about ms plame’s job.
assemble before me all the elders of your tribes and all your officials, so that i can speak these words in their hearing and call heaven and earth to testify against them.
she even traveled to washington to testify before congress.
the libby verdict greatly increases the chances that he will be asked to testify to congress about pre-war intelligence.
and susan mcdougal, who languished in jail for refusing to testify at starr」s grand juries for reasons never made clear.
berlusconi's counsel has said the prime minister would be available to testify if the court gave the go-ahead.
so do not be ashamed to testify about our lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner.
he identifies our present time as the end-time, the time that offers us countless opportunities to testify for jesus and his kingdom.
this is especially likely since congress and the treasury will be calling them to testify and second-guessing their decisions.
two defense witnesses were allowed to testify for suu kyi during the trial.
bernanke is scheduled to testify tomorrow before the house financial services committee.
energy secretary steven chu plans to testify to the committee at a hearing slated for november 17.