to the extreme
2025-01-06 21:01 浏览次数 2
Hey to the extreme嗨到极点
go to the extreme趋向极端
grieved to the extreme哀痛欲绝
wicked to the extreme十恶不赦
Nausea to the extreme恶心到极致
detest to the extreme切齿腐心
Bad to the extreme心糟到极点
To challenge the extreme挑战极限
Happiness to the extreme幸福到极点
you can set high standards in your household and help your children meet them without resorting to the extreme measures chua writes about.
one couple decided to take the advent of their internet meeting and wedding to the extreme level by baking two laptop-shaped wedding cakes and placing their profiles on the screens.
we「ve all used a canopy of leaves to produce a frame around a subject in our compositions, but you can take this technique to the extreme by getting down low and shooting from the ground up.
of course, as i noted in a follow-up, that could never happen in the u.s., nor should it probably to the extreme i envision.
the systems in the brain that help us deal with stress and regulate fear and emotional responding are changed as you might expect in response to the extreme trauma of combat.
due to the extreme rise and fall in temperature, you only get an hour at night and in the early morning to get pictures of the cats actually doing something.
investors’ interest in the asset class is growing, thanks in large part to the extreme macroeconomic environment.
the calabrian peninsula appears shortened and distorted due to the extreme sideways viewing angle from the iss.
some people like to boast about the number of friends they have on facebook. but most do not go to the extreme of having their profile pictures tattooed down their arm.
in fact, investors everywhere (not least at home) have woken up, belatedly, to the extreme fiscal vulnerability of some euro-zone countries—and are now forcing budget cuts.
we find a model disease that has certain mechanisms to the extreme and apply a drug.
today」s leaders have maintained that reputation, but given the enormity of the economic challenges at hand, the only safe bet is that their helmsmanship will be tested to the extreme in 2009.
city are starting to look a formidable force but mancini「s powers of man-management will be tested to the extreme in the five months to come.
american elections classically involve a two-step: the candidate runs to the extreme in the primary, then back to the centre for the general.
in many multicultural quarters of europe, the idea is linked to the extreme or nationalist right.
since then this 28-year-old new husband has been living with a large hole in his face. due to the extreme condition of his face he is forced to conceal the gaping wound on a daily basis.
「instead of doing something that is more possible, you go to the extreme and you set yourself up for failure,」 said the cohost of necn」s 「tv diner.」
they point to the extreme difficulty the army has in recruiting southern pushtuns, whose families face certain death if insurgents discover their sons are serving.
the researchers do not yet know what launches the chromospheric plasma at such high speeds nor what heats it to the extreme temperatures it reaches in the corona.