1. a unit of liquid capacity equal to four fluid ounces — see Weights and Measures Table
2. an organ (as of a fish) for obtaining oxygen from water
3. wattle entry 3
4. the flesh under or about the chin or jaws —usually used in plural
5. one of the radiating plates forming the undersurface of the cap of a mushroom fungus
6. as full or as much as possible
a suitcase packed to the gills
7. gillnet
8. to become entangled in a gill net
9. ravine
10. a narrow stream or rivulet
11. girl, sweetheart
12. a unit of liquid capacity equal to a quarter of a pint (about 120 milliliters)
13. an organ (as of a fish) for taking oxygen from water
14. either of two units of capacity:
15. a British unit equal to 1/? imperial pint or 8.669 cubic inches
16. a United States liquid unit equal to 1/? United States liquid pint or 7.218 cubic inches
17. one of the radiating plates forming the undersurface of the cap of a mushroom