A significant design decision in Cairo is to support nearly identical output to the greatest extent possible.
The original of the 「bitter taste」, the intermixed taste that affects the quality of the liquor, and the measures to eliminate its influence on liquor quality to the greatest extent are reviewed.
The design should conserve the natural features of the site to the greatest extent possible and provide for the continued ecological health of the area.
Those Banks that met the demand to the greatest extent would have the maximum saving deposits.
In such jurisdictions, SUBA Games' liability is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.
Systems set up by clients may be trusted to the greatest extent by the independent third party, interested party of client and the whole society.
Nixon and Haig insulated foreign policy to the greatest extent possible from the scandal.
To do so in a way that ensures those who have most will make the most contribution, those who have least will be protected to the greatest extent we possibly can.
Entrepreneurs desire independence and have a sense of initiative that make them want to use their own abilities to the greatest extent possible.
Products high environmental protection, to the greatest extent to meet the different needs of customers.
New orders exceeded inventories to the greatest extent since 1975, strong argument for the belief that the US will now see a 「restocking boom」 as production is stepped up to replenish inventories.