to the number of中文,to the number of的意思,to the number of翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:01 浏览次数 2

to the number of

英[tu: ðə ˈnʌmbə ɔv]美[tu ði ˈnʌmbɚ ʌv]

adv. 合计数为...;达到...的数目

to the number of 片语


Equal to the number of次数相等

To accelerate the number of达到加速次数

Relative to the number of相的数量

To determine the number of计算

Applies to the number of适用人数

To the number of samples到样数量

To the number of twenty-four能有多少个二十四

to the number of 例句


  • hubs can be built on preceding hubs, and there is no practical limit to the number of new hubs that may be created in this way.


  • using a minimalist approach to the number of colors.


  • hatta rajasa, the transport minister, claims that flying is actually safer than it was a decade ago relative to the number of aircraft.


  • the latest deal, for instance, must link the reduction of america「s car tariffs to the number of american cars sold in south korea.


  • once at the checkout aisle, the customer actually checks out -- which takes an amount of time proportionate to the number of items purchased.

    一旦来到付款通道,顾客实际上就在付款了 —所花时间与所购商品的数量成比例。

  • there is a point in the load curve where response time degradation is directly due to the number of requests the application is processing.


  • in a running process, the number of thread stacks is equal to the number of thread bodies in the process.


  • there are no time-outs and no limit to the number of participants, although children are discouraged.


  • but long distance digital communication was common enough, relative to the number of computers deployed.


  • deciding on the number of data drives for each raid array can be rather complex, since the number of drives in an array is not necessarily equal to the number of drives in which data is populated.


  • in fact, the additional execution time is proportional to the number of elements in the xml file.


  • he taught beau to count using dog biscuits, laying out a handful and rewarding the dog when the number of his barks corresponded to the number of treats.


  • this week’s review recommends re-complicating rates a bit, and once again paying dentists partly according to the number of nhs patients on their books.


  • hence, as a rule of thumb, you may consider setting the number of page cleaners equal to the number of cpus on the database server.


  • the quality of an interface design is inversely proportional to the number of designers.


  • this value should be set to greater than 1 to maximum to the number of processors that database partition can use.

    应将该值设置为大于1 而小于等于数据库分区可使用的处理器数目。

  • however, there」s a practical limit to the number of records you can deal with at any given time, which eventually leads to the issue of paginating results.


  • changing these values will not result in changes to the number of available servers on the system; the amount is dependent on the number of concurrent i/o requests (see listing 13).


  • the maximum sessions property directly relates to the number of mdb instances that run in parallel for a listener port.


  • seats are distributed to each party (or electoral coalition) in proportion to the number of votes received by all its candidates.


  • there is no upper limit to the number of traffic managers that can be joined in a cluster or to the number of traffic ip addresses that a cluster can host.


  • and some people look to the number of events that are reported as an indicator of a healthy corrective action programme, particularly if you can address them.


  • the home office minister, alan campbell, said the redesign could make a significant difference to the number of revellers who are injured.


  • blake-beard balked at the list he gave her, which covered everything from the size of her office to the location of her parking space to the number of students in her classes.


  • there is a limit to the number of objects a user can select.


  • you can also refer to the number of empty locations as the number of free page frames.

