to threaten中文,to threaten的意思,to threaten翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:01 浏览次数 2

to threaten


to threaten 片语


to threaten and deceive诈唬

to threaten and deceivebluffbluster诈唬

to menacethreatintimidateto threaten威胁

to threaten and bribe威逼利诱

wēi xié to threaten威胁

Dare To Threaten Me还敢威胁我

to threaten with用…威胁

threaten with(用某种方式或手段)威胁


I said to threaten your我说就威胁你

to threaten 例句


  • other tactics are to threaten family members if a victim does not comply or, as in flores「s case, to use blackmail.


  • 「they tend to threaten desecrators with divine retribution by the council of the gods, 」 ikram said.


  • the implications go beyond a resurgence of deadly infections to threaten many other life-saving and life-prolonging interventions.


  • it seems almost strange that the euro-area economy was so strong at a time when a sovereign-debt crisis and regional imbalances seemed to threaten the single currency’s very existence.


  • the us, britain, and france want to threaten oil and gas sanctions if tehran does not suspend the enrichment of uranium, but those threats carry less weight without russian support.


  • we also may feel that this is the one, and we won’t want anything to threaten this relationship.


  • first, in those days, lasers were bulky, expensive devices, whose only role in the cinema was to threaten to cut james bond in half.

    首先,当时的激光设备体积庞大,价格又高,在电影中唯一的作用就是用来威胁无往不胜的特工詹姆斯 ·邦德将其切成两半。

  • as the new ideology took hold it spun off radical interpretations that came to threaten the region」s existing regimes.


  • they suspect that their real crime is to threaten a cosy status quo, in which a half-dozen big law firms advise on the brazilian end of most big deals.


  • yes, we realise that fossil fuels come with their own major dangers, but nothing so grave as to threaten continued habitation in a city the size of tokyo from one day to the next.


  • palmer finally speaks to ferragamo, but the doctor believes that the senator is trying to threaten him again. ferragamo immediately hangs up.


  • palmer finally speaks to ferragamo but the doctor believes that the senator is trying to threaten him again.


  • the eastern rebels in benghazi are too far away to threaten tripoli directly. but even they are showing signs of progress.


  • the tipping point is military, to have the ability to threaten your neighbors, threaten military action without the threat of challenge.


  • to prevent this, the employer would need to threaten the worker with things like deportation.


  • when the intelligence forces realised who i was, they sent two policemen to my door to threaten me.


  • to threaten kimberly, dan smashes janet’s arm with a crowbar.


  • pinkney, who is a postal worker in the city, has been charged with first degree murder as well as other offences related to possession of the gun and using it to threaten the boy's mother.


  • finally, i had to threaten not to allow my own sales-tax bill to pass if the testing wasn’t passed along with it.


  • no american president or congress would want to give their blessing to a nuclear-armed iran continuing to threaten the jewish state with destruction.


  • and in what may have been a subtle dig at putin, he suggested that russia focus on accessing foreign capital, technology, and ideas, rather than 「puffing out its cheeks」 to threaten others.

