to transplant
2025-01-06 21:01 浏览次数 1
And How To Transplant以及如何移植
Bridge to Transplant过渡支持
to transplant plant移植苗木
Easy To Transplant便于移植
How To Transplant如何进行移植
yìhjihk to transplant移植
to transplant rice shoots插秧
displacement to transplant置换移植
to transplant common law习惯法移植
transfer of culture移植,接种;[微] 传代
so it has a good market value to transplant the popular game from pc to mobile phone.
the story started last wednesday. a car accident killed a man, and his relative agreed to transplant five of his organs to people in need.
they are racing against the drought to transplant as many seedlings as possible before the remaining fields dry up.
what the reader will gain: this review is intended as a quick-start for clinicians and other care providers new to transplant care and as an update for experienced transplant physicians.
the goal would be to transplant a critical mass of technology and skills sufficient to rapidly and markedly upgrade the capacity of institutional investors in china.
the old man decided to transplant his kidney to his daughter to save her life.
based on the distribution compartmentation of climate, soil, vegetation in chinese humid areas, this study produces the sub-area method as the second blue print to transplant parameters.
some doctors have been reluctant to transplant livers from older donors fearing these organs may not be as healthy or work as well as those from younger donors.
it is now possible to transplant organs from animals into people.
if that is successful - and if carmat can find about €100 million in funding - the french artificial heart will be available as an alternative to transplant in 2013.
如果将来的临床试验成功,同时carmat能筹集到约1 00万欧元的资金,到2013年人们将可以得到作为移植心脏的替代品——法国制造的人工心脏。
it is the key point of teaching reform to accurately understand and apply the new teaching model, not to transplant blindly.
the team went on to transplant a layer of stem cells between the degenerating mice retinas and healthy donor tissue (whole retina).
too late to transplant from the earth to the feelings of me, i have been stuck here, unable to extricate themselves.
in the history of world legal system, it is a widespread phenomenon to transplant and syncretize the laws of other countries, and it is also an important content in all countries「 law construction.
to transplant and introduce the system of plea bargaining into china, notion of contract must be improved nationally.
many surgeons in america are reluctant to transplant kidneys that have been out of their original body for that long.
there is no maker system in our law, but some stock pragmatists advise to transplant it.
i」d like to transplant this flower into that can.
mother and youngsters on a dike near kota bharu, malaysia, set out to transplant seedlings.
so theoretically, doctors should be able to transplant tissue created from them into that person without tissue rejection.
the way to get a new immune system is to transplant new blood-forming stem cells into the bone marrow, where they generate all the cells of the blood.
so he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw- having extracted them from the months of his slaves.
many people do this successfully in silicon valley, but potential investors in his bank may wonder how easy it will be to transplant that sort of high-technology entrepreneurship to the gulf.