i’d like to encourage you to make a little meaning every day, to try your hand at some creative endeavor, to learn something new, and stretch yourself.
so you think you want to try your hand at a large falcon.
you will appreciate its beauty through the way the writing brush is manipulated and from the tone of colours expressed. you will have a chance to try your hand at practising this unusual art. form.
if you would like to try your hand at making kimchi there are several cooking courses that you can join in seoul to experience making kimchi.
of course, you「ll get plenty of opportunity to try your hand at these techniques by working on fellow students and actual massage clients.
don」t hesitate to try your hand at anything. chances are you'll enjoy the process, and things will go well.
the easiest way to try your hand at programming for your windows or mac desktop is to start with a scripting or macro program like autohotkey (for windows) or automator (for mac).
想要动手在windows里或苹果系统里编程,最简单的方法是从一种脚本语言或宏语言开始,例如autohotkey (windows)或automator (苹果系统)。
you are a born artist and ought to try your hand at painting.
in this case, we replace the first title page of the example web application distributed with struts. you may want to try your hand at replacing other pages.
you can download the sheep program here to try your hand at some artificial natural selection.