3. to add together total —usually used with up tots up the score
4. add
5. a young child
6. a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink
tots 片语
tot up合计
Tater Tots油炸土豆丸子
Tots Preschool多元智能学前课程
Tots Tolentino陶伦田
long tots巨大数目的计算
creamer tots成了克莱默一路易斯
POP TOTS泡泡幼儿英语
Tiny Tots小小孩
super tots视情幼儿英语
tots 例句
tears beyond number have been spilled by impressionable tots when bambi’s mother is gunned down by a hunter and when simba is orphaned during a stampede in the lion king.
children under age 2 should avoid watching tv as much as possible, according to a new policy statement from the nation「s largest group of pediatricians, who suggest the tots should play instead.
and now the mothers must keep their tots indoors out of harm」s way.
understands complex concepts : tots who are highly intelligent have the ability to understand complex concepts, perceive relationships, and think abstractly.
juno: when will you guys learn that tots can「t ice skate?
tots also turned into avid volunteers.
tired of making tater tots and chicken fingers?
the first experiment looked at whether the tots could tell the difference between human and non-human noises.
this clock for tots glows green when it」s ok to wake up.
you might be able to stuff garbage down the throats of tots who don「t know any better; yet the kids won」t make it to the cinemas in the first place unless their parents choose to take them.