south korea says it will increase its troop levels on yeonpyeong and toughen up its rules of engagement.
toughen up to resist the temptation to keep things and get going.
as a result, the antarctic and southern ocean coalition (asoc) has implored the international maritime organisation to toughen up shipping laws at its annual conference in london.
the city council is determined to toughen up the fight against crime.
ballistic alloy combat shields have also been developed in light of experiences during the brood war, giving an option to toughen up marines faced with an increasingly lethal battlefield.
never has 45 euros been better spent, but i need to toughen up – and quickly – if my money is not to run out well before i reach india.
better, they argued, to toughen up the rules quickly within the existing treaties to allow more intrusive monitoring of fiscal policies and impose harsher penalties on transgressors.
continue using commercial insecticides and you’re just helping cockroaches toughen up their stock.
japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi urged police to toughen up after a television news report showed two police officers fleeing from a man brandishing what appeared to be a baseball bat.
if they were actually to receive rather than pay interest on their debt, calls to toughen up the system in general would probably get a more receptive hearing.