north korea is expected to underscore its commitment to the six-party deal on friday by demolishing, with explosive charges, the massive cooling tower of the yongbyon reactor.
that is why i want to underscore the importance of approaching bilateral relations from the strategic perspective.
to underscore the importance of good it governance practices, consider the production of goods or services for your customers.
the arrow comes in later to underscore the point: our future looks good!
where better than here in prague, home of the velvet revolution, to underscore the central importance of participation?
for china, the meeting is another chance to underscore its status – more as an out and out global leader than as a representative of the emerging world.
we in the field must do what we can to underscore what we do know and where we are falling short.
i really want to underscore the bank’s commitment to brazil and to all other middle income countries in latin america, because there’s such a high number of the world’s poor people who live there.
similarly, if an organization has multiple overlapping applications, these can be grouped under a common application name to underscore the need for merging functional behavior.
of course, you are going to need allies for your idea to gain momentum, but i want to underscore that it is not necessary to have an ally to get started.
spykman called the caribbean 「the american mediterranean」 to underscore its importance to the united states.
kirby certainly states this in the film, but i’d like to underscore its importance.
perhaps to underscore that point, the president-elect will not be attending the major economic summit mr. bush is hosting in washington on november 15th.