when you try all you marketing techniques, your strategies your tactics, let go of the outcome and allow them to unfold naturally.
each soul, each living being on earth is here to unfold itself, to express itself and to learn more about what it is to be human and spirit at the same time.
first to unfold were the two 14-foot-wide drogue chutes, which oriented the craft and continued slowing it.
this acceptance allows the love currents to unfold naturally so that people can just relax and be themselves—and offer their love and kindness without pressure or expectations.
with this plethora of privacy and security issues in mind -- and the strong likelihood that they will continue to unfold and develop -- are we ready to give up on social networks? not likely.
all you need is deep within you,it is an inner fire waiting to unfold and reveal itself.
he, therefore, who does what he can to unfold all his powers of capacities, especially his nobler ones, so as to become a well-proportioned, vigorous, excellent, happy being, practices self-culture.
「it’s going to unfold over weeks and months and possibly years,」 predicts sarah mendelson of the centre for strategic and international studies in washington.
like that sponge, our very heart begs to unfold in the waters ofour experience, and like that little fish, the soul is a tiny thing that bringsus peace and joy when we let it swim.
on step 3, i picked the options of 「menu command」 and 「tool window」 to unfold the initial code for a menu item and a tool window (figure 3).
when you fold code, the - icon turns into a +, which you can click again to unfold the method.
在折叠代码后,-图标将变为 +,您可以再次单击 +以展开方法。