If, for example, taking time to unwind before facing an hour of grid-lock traffic after work will help get you through the evening without losing your mind, then go for it.
Decompress - it might take a few weeks to disengage from the stress of your demanding career, so take a little time to unwind before you make any big plans.
减压- - -可能需要几周的时间,才能把你从教学压力中解脱出来,因此,在你制定任何大计划之前,抽出点时间放松放松。
The fact that households, not businesses, have so much debt to unwind is something that marks this episode out from many previous banking crises.
It is really important to try to unwind after a hard day at work but that is easier said than done if something is playing on your mind.
At some point, they will have to unwind those strategies.
It is a good 20 minutes in my company before her folded arms and crossed legs begin to unwind themselves.
I feel like I deserve a little time to unwind and relax, not listen to more demands.
People often turn to wine, beer or cocktails to unwind at the end of the day.
As hedge funds and other investors continue to unwind investments around the world, particularly in emerging markets, the money is flowing back into the suddenly buoyant Japanese currency.
The IMF, European Central Bank and others urged countries to take steps to unwind their stimulus schemes.
Your stress-reduction plan may include a little silliness. Maybe taking a salsa dancing class after work a few days a week will help you to unwind better than would quiet meditation.
But since the eruption of global financial turmoil last year and the dwindling appetite for risk, carry trades have started to unwind and it has become harder to finance deficits.
And the crisis threatens to unwind some of the large poverty reduction gains of recent years.
Later he bought a cattle farm while continuing to unwind the real estate holdings that were part of his resort.
Household chores often get in the way when dual-earner couples want to unwind after a stress-filled day on the job.
Outraged as they may be with BP, rivals so far have done little to unwind the business partnerships that bind the industry.