「all of the problems we are facing are legal. they「re laws. we need to pass the right laws,」 says my tour guide aichele.
the moment he opens his mouth, mazar knows what」s coming. the tour guide is a former archaeology student of hers.
「we burnt old shoes, everything, to stay warm, 」 the tour guide had explained over his shoulder on the way here as we drove along what had been the main road out of town.
our tour guide told us our first night to put it in our suitcases or somewhere secure and never remove it until we left the country.
the boisterous crowd drew close, and a tour guide started talking about the mistress.
example: the prosperous-looking tour guide was a con artist who sold unsuspecting visitors worthless travel tickets.
the reason, according to the chinese tourists: the tour guide was angry at them for refusing to shop.
earlier this week, a hong kong tour guide and two chinese tourists were arrested for fighting in parking lot near a jewelry store, local media have reported.
my first chinese tour guide abroad was in japan.
one tour guide estimated that there were 100, 000 tour guides in guilin ares alone.
i'd like to be an overseas tour guide someday.
unfortunately, it’s so vast, you’d need a professional tour guide to help you find the gems.
she added that the college tour guide had made the school sound really 「exciting and fun, like i was going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.」
make sure you book a tour guide before you go and, if you decide on a horse or camel ride, haggle over price beforehand. you may also have to haggle as you try to get off the ride.