tourist guide中文,tourist guide的意思,tourist guide翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:02 浏览次数 1

tourist guide

英[ˈtuərist ɡaid]美[ˈtʊrɪst ɡaɪd]


tourist guide 片语


Tourist hotline guide旅游热线指南

Hong Kong Tourist Guide旅行必备

licensed tourist guide持证导游

Taxi Tourist Guide计程车导游

tour tourist guide导游

Tourist t Guide导游

City Tourist Guide城市导游

Applying for Tourist Guide应聘导游

tourist guide 例句


  • He is a tourist guide by profession.


  • Becoming a qualified tourist guide is on the premise that you have a good knowledge of the history and culture of the country.


  • Every time before the tourists came across the pathway, the tourist guide would ask them to carry or shoulder something.


  • This is the way we「re going to Shangri-la. From 1000 meter to 3000 meter, we experienced different sceneries accompanied with wonderful narrative from the Tibet tourist guide Dunzhu.


  • New Year is an enthusiastic tourist guide taking us to move towards spring, summer, autumn and winter.


  • The tourist guide service is the key service among the tourism business. Tourist guides are an important component of the great travel service army.


  • However, her husband N. Upatissa, a tourist guide has not found work yet.

    然而,她作导游工作的丈夫N .Upatissa还没有找到工作。

  • A tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.


  • Take a public bus (prepare coins, it was MOP2.50 each time you get on the bus) to go to the attractions. You can get a tourist guide at the airport, ferry terminal, or the hotel counter.


  • A a tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.


  • Danjie has an idea of being a tourist guide which won my support. Isn」t it the greatest pleasure to do what he like most?


  • And go to sign up of the tourist guide card.


  • I like my job as tourist guide very much because I like to deal with people.

