"of the three American Virgin islands St. Thomas is the most touristed"
"tourists descend in busloads...so the whole place is rather touristy"
touristy 片语
touristy basis旅游基地
not at all touristy不适宜游览的
too touristy太适合旅游
agriculture touristy农业观光
a bit too touristy开发过度
touristy y游客很多的
touristy road旅游公路
touristy 例句
this article mainly discusses the tax policies that will promote the transformation of our touristy resources advantage as a whole into industrial superiority and competitive edge.
montmartre is the most touristy place i think in the world. it「s too beautiful for its own sake.
for instance, if i was planning a trip and was researching hotels and tourist attractions at the same time, i could clip the hotel data into one book and store the touristy information in the other.
they took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners.
new york is a touristy and fascinating city.
but the road isn」t finished, and at yao zhuang, a farming village in zhejiang, construction puts us on a detour that lasts to the touristy waterfront town of zhu jia jiao.
he hates touristy places and he doesn't mind the cold.
moorish influences can still be observed in granada today, but they are now more of a touristy kind.
based on establishing strategic decisive model. this paper put forwards the strategic policy and the ways of huangshan city touristy basis construction.
leshan is a scenery touristy city.
there are also horse-driven carriages, especially in chinatown and other touristy places.