many social news sites rely solely upon their users to tag content to varying degrees of success. this approach places this feature at the mercy of user engagement.
many people’s eyes glaze over to varying degrees when they consider the purchase of computer hardware.
they have been practiced (although infrequently) in many organizations and to varying degrees across a broad set of domains.
this earthquake swarm caused damages to varying degrees in shanxi, hebei and inner mongolia, and life, property and economic construction suffered great losses.
the internet is, in effect, a library of unimaginable size—full, as all libraries are, of news, gossip, archive material and other stuff which may to varying degrees be irrelevant, wrong or mad.
so if you put an infant on mars, they would adapt to varying degrees of the new environment.
but as the executive administration exists to varying degrees in the departments of local interests or the interests of the executive acts of violations in recent years abstract upward trend.
the ancient adepts knew this, and certainly expereinced to varying degrees by many of what you term as the indigenous.
that sounds like a joke, but it happens so often to varying degrees in large programming projects that there is a name for the phenomenon, greenspun's tenth rule