those wishing to vilify ono as a scheming individual found that the term 「dragon lady」 served their purposes rather well, and they never seemed to shrink from applying it.
那些试图诽谤小野,将小野丑化为一个诡计多端的人,发现 「龙女」一词正合他们的目的,并且他们似乎从来没有不愿意运用这一术语。
he said it is part of a move to vilify farmers, and force them out to make way for industry.
tom melcher zinch china「s chairman and the report」s author says it「s simplistic to vilify agents who provide these services.
[color=#000000]republicans are delighted at the prospect of another two years to vilify mrs pelosi.
if you do feel compelled to vilify the model, don」t do so by comparing it to how linux is run.
the president has also exploited a bombing on the minsk subway on april 11th, which killed 14 people, as an excuse to vilify his opponents.
「if someone is remote then it is easy to vilify them but the closer you are, the less easy it is to do that, 」 he said.
「如果有人是偏远的话,很容易丑化他们,但你是更紧密,不容易,这是要做到这一点, 」他说。
republicans are delighted at the prospect of another two years to vilify mrs pelosi.
and so it「s an understandable ploy on milton」s part that he needs to vilify shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with comus.
he continued, 「i think that the disclosure around one transaction being the justification to vilify goldman sachs or to pass regulatory reform is just incredible.」
the inquiry was dropped, but the pro-government press has continued to vilify the group.