i would advise everyone else to wait and see what happens next year.
if you think that another depression might be around the corner, better to be careful and save more. better to wait and see how things turn out.
but at this stage we still need to wait and see whether this sort of a financial turmoil will translate into something more real.
we「ll have to wait and see if she can find a new role for her disbanded party.
guess we」ll have to wait and see just what「s inside that 「enterprise」 section.
so did senator sam nunn, with the caveat that he wanted to wait and see what further stories came out.
however, the new reservations, we」ll probably have to wait and see a little more.
”, so we need to wait and see what else will be included in that release.
” ,因此我们所要做的就是等待,看看该版本中到底会包含哪些特性。
the feds will probably want to wait and see how much near-term deficit reduction is contained in the 1996 federal budget before sanctioning another drop in rates.
「donors cannot systematically afford to wait and see until these countries show a good track record,」 he says.
we「ll have to wait and see if a future standard sets a convention for this.
first i have to wait and see if you two are replaced with any good looking agents that i」d be interested in.
one of our english candidates has relatives who are titled – we’ll just have to wait and see what the results tell before jumping to any conclusions.
「we will have to wait and see until we actually are able to get approval and consummate our partnership with yahoo!, 」 said ballmer.
but i think we’ll have to – i think we’ll have time; we’ll have to wait and see if, in fact, they are, and then we’ll have to deal with it.
we「ve got to wait and see what happens.
we’ll have to wait and see how the framework shapes up and what patterns emerge to handle more complicated tasks.
we」ll have to wait and see what our survey comes up with," study leader brown explained.