to withdraw funds中文,to withdraw funds的意思,to withdraw funds翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:03 浏览次数 1

to withdraw funds


to withdraw funds 例句


  • but the board「s statutory jurisdiction extended only to institutions that offered checking accounts from which depositors had a 「legal right」 to withdraw funds on demand.


  • this time, the role of depositors lining up to withdraw funds from a bank was played by money-market funds, bernanke said.

    这一次,货币市场基金扮演了存款者排队从银行取款的角色。 同时,监管者和市场参与者没有能够认识到机构的风险,而不是市民的风险。

  • what」s the quickest and most convenient way to withdraw funds from my neteller account?


  • he said that there had been no evidence that moammar gadhafi or agents working on his behalf had tried to withdraw funds before the sanctions order went into effect.


  • but many others were keen to withdraw funds from the bank, reopen their shops and put their lives back together.


  • to withdraw funds or close an account, fill out and sign the withdrawal form. method of withdrawal is by bank wire transfer .


  • we received a request to withdraw funds from your account we must verify that you submitted this request before we can process it.


  • money withdrawal: you agree to withdraw funds into your own bank account.


  • a demand deposit is a checking account that enables the depositor to withdraw funds from the account immediately and without advance notice.


  • in one section the report criticises threats by richer countries to withdraw funds to help poorer nations cope with climate change if they failed to sign up to the accord.

