to withhold
2025-01-06 21:03 浏览次数 1
to withhold payment拒付
to withhold evidence知情不报
m trying to withhold希望你能看见微笑
am to withhold offer暂停报盘
To withhold business找出妥协办法
to withhold information匿报
Invitation to withhold immunity请求撤销豁免
to withhold tax代扣
to withhold offer暂停报盘
the british banks agreed to withhold dividends from other investors until the government is repaid.
threats by evangelical churches to withhold their dues if dr john was not forced to step down were taken seriously in lambeth palace.
the photographer is a wildlife lover and has asked the mail on sunday to withhold his name for fear of reprisals by the killers.
the cabinet agreed, but secretary of state william h. seward persuaded lincoln to withhold the proclamation until a major union military victory could give it added force.
the epa will presumably hesitate to withhold its permission after its setback in court.
local dairy farmers told xinhua 「the company juggled their scales and intended to withhold a fraction from farmers for years」.
but vitamins are essential nutrients that people ingest in their daily diets; there is no way to withhold them altogether from research subjects.
the epa may now find it harder to withhold its permission after its setback in court.
her doctors wanted to withhold treatment but her parents argued successfully that she should be kept alive.
god knows just when to withhold from us any visible sign of encouragement, and when to grant us such a sign.
but to withhold aid would endanger the currency and rattle the banks, some of them german, with billions of euros’ worth of greek debt on their books.
most south africans however were willing to withhold judgment until the government’s budget speech on february 23rd, when they hoped the details would be fleshed out.
mcconnell said since president obama has veto power, the republican-controlled house should also seek to withhold funding from implementation of the health-care legislation.
at the time, some exhibitors said warner bros. said it was prepared to withhold other films from theaters that wouldn「t make room for 」clash,' though warner bros. denied that.
in addition to being unjust, it is illegal for prosecutors to withhold exculpatory evidence; they are obligated to turn it over to the defence.
its other approach, which lay at the heart of the european case, was to withhold information from rivals that would have allowed their software to 「interoperate」 well with windows over a network.
ah, those poor emerging online-video outfits, so in need of protection from big, bad media companies that might try to withhold their programmes. how puny they are.