to wrestle中文,to wrestle的意思,to wrestle翻译及用法

2025-01-06 21:04 浏览次数 1

to wrestle


to wrestle 例句


  • eurozone policymakers continue to wrestle ineffectively with their own still-escalating debt crisis.


  • i think milton is encouraging us in these similes to question, really to wrestle with, the theological certainties that the rest of the poem labors to establish.


  • i learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig.


  • but we have had to wrestle with the big challenges and have come to some ideas of where the answers lie.


  • but it would be less than a month before the now-7-year-old would scream as her mother tried to wrestle her into pants, begging for a 「real princess dress」 with matching plastic high heels.


  • the government says that less than 2% of companies—making up 61% of gdp—have to wrestle with the full codes.


  • journalists have to wrestle with whether, when, why and how they share these kinds of messages with the public.


  • at least one friday a month, boys gathered after school in the backyard of bryan campbell (at far left) to wrestle and box.


  • in an editorial, it acknowledged that mr hatoyama had a right to wrestle power back from civil servants—but not, it said, at the cost of the media’s access to information.


  • they finally managed to wrestle the poor beast back up onto the cart again, the guy with the mustache working the blade back and forth like a toilet plunger ...


  • the founders made some wise compromises to wrestle control away from c++, but we「re starting to pay for those compromises.

    创建者做了一些聪明的妥协来从 c++夺取控制权,但我们开始为那些妥协付出代价了。

  • dixie, my attendant, raised the back of my wheelchair as high as she could and just barely managed to wrestle me and herself into the elevator.


  • 「scott mcclellan alone will have to wrestle with whether it was worth selling out the president and his friends for a few pieces of silver,」 he said.


  • this was the being he had to wrestle with in order to write poems.


  • or that they are now free to wrestle with the same pressures and conflicts that once accounted for greater male unhappiness.


  • but by early saturday, officers apparently attempted to wrestle him to the ground and he turned the gun on himself.


  • additionally mr. dicaprio, who typically comes accessorized with a supermodel girlfriend in real life, had to wrestle aggressively with a man and then kiss him.

    另外,在现实生活中,要知道迪卡普里奥先生身边可总少不了美女相伴。 可这回在电影中,他却得和一个男的激烈角斗然后还吻对方。

  • you have to wrestle with your unconscious fears.


  • simon winchester’s lively biography (see article) focuses on what drove needham to wrestle with this issue.


  • we」re going to wrestle with his claims quite a bit during the course of the semester.


  • the vocabulary that we have to wrestle with for today「s essay is taken in part from jakobson」s understanding of the relationship between metaphor and metonymy, and we will have more to say about that.


  • crowley, somewhere west of amersham, hurtled through the night, snatched a tape at random and tried to wrestle it out of its brittle plastic box while staying on the road.


  • cesc fabregas has urged his team-mates to shut out the critics and be strong as they try to wrestle back the initiative in the title race.


  • maybe we'll see gates return, a nobel in his pocket, ready to wrestle with the web once again.


  • a group of villagers try to wrestle a bull to the ground. when under control the animals are daubed with brightly coloured paints.

