toxic chemicals
2025-01-06 21:04 浏览次数 1
spill of toxic chemicals有毒化学品泄漏
Toxic Organic Chemicals毒性有机化学物质
Toxic Chemicals in年保护地下水和人类食物链
Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals持久性生物富集有毒化合物
Toxic Industrial Chemicals有毒工业化学品
Toxic Waste Chemicals有毒废物化学品
Toxic and Chemicals Control Methods毒理学
Toxic Chemicals in Operation毒性化学物质运作场所
hazardous and toxic chemicals有毒有害化学品
These nine toxic chemicals will join the Stockholm Convention「s original list of 12 Persistent Organic Pollutants, referred to as the 「dirty dozen.」
There have been concerns that the Revelations of alleged dumping of toxic chemicals could re-ignite anti-American sentiments in South Korea.
Dinoflagellates are usually harmless, but can sometimes make toxic chemicals that leach into the tissue of shellfish.
However, other toxic chemicals - resolvable toxic aromatic amine dyes can not be removed by water, and consumers can not possibly know if the clothes contain such toxic chemicals.
Will pest-resistant genes in crops spread to surrounding vegetation and create super weeds that require more toxic chemicals to eradicate?
Although both feed by draining the hemlocks of their juices, the adelgids also inject toxic chemicals into the trees.
One of the rules the Republicans are complaining about, regarding mercury, arsenic and other toxic chemicals released by power plants, has been in the works for over 20 years.
Outside the base, banners call on the United States to tell the truth about the use of toxic chemicals such as Agent Orange and to compensate victims for damages.
「We need a better system of regulating toxic chemicals in this country,」 Walker said. 「we need to test the chemicals before they are allowed on the market.」
He is wearing plastic gloves to protect himself from the toxic chemicals in the paint; some painters prefer the old, poisonous solvents and pigments to the new healthier materials.
She was sentenced to six years in prison after admitting to trying to harm her husband」s mistress, Myrlinda Haynes, with toxic chemicals that she stole from her workplace.
Several thousand potentially toxic chemicals have been isolated from cigarettes.
Credibility of science has been damaged due to the history of fraud in the testing of these toxic chemicals for decades.
He may look harmless, but when threatened, this little guy fires a rapid spray of boiling hot, toxic chemicals that can kill an insect attacker.
Certified organic standards do not permit the use of toxic chemicals in farming and require responsible management of healthy soil and biodiversity.
Their blood and urine samples were analyzed to determine if the levels of seven toxic chemicals had changed.
At least 69 of the toxic chemicals in secondhand tobacco smoke cause cancer.
For example, global warming could cause toxic chemicals to become more volatile, and so more prone to dispersing widely in the wind.