modifications of this test have been proposed, but they are difficult to perform in routine toxicity testing and require many animals.
this article describes the experiment of the toxicity testing for the mixture of permethrin?d trans allethrin, and tetramethrin on, and explained the theory and method for mixture of drug.
conclusion it is important to unify the blood sampling sites in animals during chronic toxicity testing studies.
in addition, beijing leader has gained remarkable achievements related to environment safety monitoring, water toxicity testing and environment safety evaluation.
this paper summarizes the basic principle of microbial sensors and the application progress of water quality, air monitoring and biological toxicity testing and carrys on its prospect.
human toxicity of panqiangyankang capsule was proved by urgent toxicity testing method.
kang hopes to soon from the united states food and drug administration approval to make this an aids vaccine in humans for toxicity testing and a two-stage clinical trials.
toxicity testing is checked by acute general toxicity, in vitro cytotoxicity and sticking on skin assay.