n. [统计] 可追溯性;跟蹤能力;可描绘
2025-01-06 21:04 浏览次数 10
n. [统计] 可追溯性;跟蹤能力;可描绘
1. a minute and often barely detectable amount or indication
a trace of a smile
2. an amount of a chemical constituent not always quantitatively determinable because of minuteness
3. a mark or line left by something that has passed also footprint
4. a path, trail, or road made by the passage of animals, people, or vehicles
5. a sign or evidence of some past thing vestige
6. engram
7. something (such as a line) traced or drawn: such as
8. the marking made by a recording instrument (such as a seismograph or kymograph)
9. the ground plan of a military installation or position either on a map or on the ground
10. the intersection of a line or plane with a plane
11. the usually bright line or spot that moves across the screen of a cathode-ray tube also the path taken by such a line or spot
12. a course or path that one follows
13. delineate, sketch
14. to form (letters, figures, etc.) carefully or painstakingly
15. to copy (something, such as a drawing) by following the lines or letters as seen through a transparent superimposed sheet
16. to impress or imprint (a design or pattern) with a tracer
17. to record a tracing of in the form of a curved, wavy, or broken line
trace the heart action
18. to adorn with linear ornamentation (such as tracery or chasing)
19. to follow or study out in detail or step by step
trace the history of the war
20. to discover by going backward over the evidence step by step
trace your ancestry
21. to discover signs, evidence, or remains of
22. to follow the footprints, track, or trail of
23. to lay out the trace of (a military installation)
24. to travel over traverse
25. to make one's way especially to follow a track or trail
26. to be traceable historically
27. either of two straps, chains, or lines of a harness for attaching a draft animal to something (such as a vehicle) to be drawn
28. leader sense 1e(2)
29. one or more vascular bundles supplying a leaf or twig
30. to draw the outline of (something) especially to copy (a design or picture) by putting a thin piece of paper that you can see through over it and drawing on top of it
31. to draw (something, such as letters or a picture) especially in a careful way
32. to follow the path or line of (something)
33. a mark left by something that has passed or is past
“… she seems to have vanished without trace …”
— J. K. Rowling, Goblet of Fire
34. a very small amount
He speaks with a trace of an accent.
35. sketch entry 2 sense 1
36. to form (as letters) carefully
37. to copy (as a drawing) by following the lines as seen through a transparent sheet placed over the thing copied
38. to follow the footprints, track, or trail of
39. to study or follow the development of in detail
This book traces the history of art through the ages.
40. to follow something back to its cause or beginning He traced his family's roots.
41. either of the two straps, chains, or ropes of a harness that fasten a horse to a vehicle
42. the marking made by a recording instrument (as a kymograph)
43. engram
external traceability外部追溯
traceability encode溯源编码
Rework Traceability返工溯源
Material Traceability材料追蹤
Lot traceability批量可追溯性
Metrological Traceability计量学溯源
explicit traceability requires you to manually establish a relationship between two requirement types.
consequently a cost-benefit analysis is generally the driver for implementing the right traceability strategy.
one way of creating visibility and traceability is by having all modeling tools use a single global repository.
in this way, you can follow the traceability as business goals are traced down to application features.
there is a general lack of traceability throughout the lifecycle of changes as documented above, and that extends into the testing space.
as a consequence, traceability information is not established at all or only halfheartedly, and you lose the opportunity to improve quality and to respond changes quickly.
linking provides for a much more seamless experience than copying and offers better visibility and traceability across role and tool boundaries.
traceability and so-called suspect relationships, shown in figure 15, show you which test cases might have been changed because a previous scenario and use case changed.
being able to walk this traceability tree would be very interesting, because it goes from requirement to code.
this means that going forward, you will have traceability from that requirement to the model or code (or better yet, both) that implements that requirement.
figure 9: the use-case analysis model and its traceability links to the other model elements.
traceability should never drive the way you document requirements.
after creating the requirement type, we should enter all scenarios and set traceability from use cases to these scenarios, as shown in figure 9.
furthermore, traceability is not the only meta-information to be captured for requirements.
traceability is the ability to trace artifacts through all levels of abstraction, from specification to implementation and vice versa.
an architecture identifies the major components and their interactions, the dependencies between components, and traceability from these components to the requirements that they realize.
that way, whatever legislation comes down, whatever audits you have to pass, you have traceability from your software development lifecycle right through to your business process outputs.
the rfid technology and epc schemes provide the basis for new traceability applications for many types of physical items, but most typically products.
traceability is a technique that provides a relationship between different levels of requirements in the system.
you can use traceability relationships to determine the extent to which your project requirements are satisfied.
yet, the concept of traceability is inherently linked with the quality of the product to be delivered.