trace back
2025-01-06 21:04 浏览次数 2
trace sth back to追溯到
trace e back to追溯到
trace-back adjusting追溯调整法
ICMP trace-back源追蹤技术
trace back depth深度
parallel trace-back并行回溯
go back回去;追溯
the method of trace-back adjustment追溯调整法
intrusion trace-back入侵追蹤
It has great significance to trace back to the questing and inquiring of western traditional philosophy of substance at present age.
Birds evolved from dinosaurs, but the origin of their feathers may trace back even deeper in time, to the common ancestor of dinosaurs and pterosaurs, like the fossil at left.
The tradition is part of Scotland「s Hogmanay celebrations, although its roots trace back to the Vikings.
Party B shall retain the right to trace back the product quality, if quality accident happens while Part B is using the product of Party A, Party B shall have the right to trace back.
It is also possible to trace back from lower to higher levels of abstractions.
He said that these tomatoes trace back to the southern Ukraine during the early 19th century.
Through reading, I can trace back to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization.
But if you trace back who we are, how we speak, how we think, many of those things have their origins in the King James Bible.
Tea houses in Hangzhou trace back to the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).
杭州的茶馆历史可以追溯到南宋时期(1127- 1279)。
However, we must trace back to the expansion mechanism of the economic bubble if we want to understand the essence of the financial crisis thoroughly.
And, similarly to the LCS algorithm, to obtain S1 」and S2「, you trace back from this bottom-right cell, following the Pointers, and build up S1 」and S2「 in reverse.
According to planetary scientist Robin Canup, all three of Pluto」s satellites could trace back to a single impact.
Aggregating such a trace back yields a quantified call-chain.
Therefore, we have to trace back to the government auditing system.
However, the fact that legal formalism can trace back every title either to arbitrary appropriation or to violent expropriation has no significance whatever for the conditions of a market society.
A key characteristic of the design is that it should trace back to elements at higher levels of abstractions (for example, business processes or use cases), including requirements.
Now, supposing we trace back to 8,000 years ago, let us image visiting our hardy ancestors, who resided at Zhoukoudian.
You can trace back each of the characteristics to one or more SOA principles that provide integrity to the principles and the characteristics.
Those materials form in watery environments and presumably trace back to a time when Mars was much warmer and wetter than it is now.
With a long history of thousands years, the ancient Chinese dak and post and the ancient Chinese tourism can trace back to the early ancient times.
In this case the tree looks different: you start with test cases, and then trace back from scenarios and use cases.
America's major problems - high unemployment, the trade deficit, high public debt - all trace back to it.
To find the bug, we have to trace back through the flow of control to find out where the variable was assigned and determine whether doing so was incorrect.