as the worms ingest the remains of the dying plants they reduce the remains into trace minerals and other nutrients that then sustains the life of the plants and trees.
an artichoke a week will provide enough trace minerals for the crystalline structure; as will adding wild mushrooms to one's pasta or risotto or consuming eggplant.
why are trace minerals so important?
trace minerals are required by each cell for proper cell growth as well as to magnetize nutrients into the cell or wastes out of the cell.
chromium like iron, copper and zinc is one of 16 essential trace minerals your body needs to keep healthy and fit.
as the worms ingest the remains of the dying plants, they reduce the remains into trace minerals and other nutrients that then sustains the life of the plants and trees.
this product also contains other naturally occurring trace minerals found in the great salt lake. if you need a full spectrum test results, please contact your sales representative.
artichokes develop trace minerals within their structure as they host a genetic blueprint to do so.
selenium is one of the essential trace minerals in the human body.
deficiency of trace minerals will result in licking the wall, chewing the soil, biting the things, anemia, skin disease and lower immunity.
trace minerals particularly manganese and zinc encourage the absorption of other minerals and help promote overall bone health.
trace minerals have functions that are less well-understood.
vitamins c and e, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids and trace minerals such as selenium, zinc and copper are immune-boosting nutrients.
trace minerals are as essential to health as the vitamins.
as your farmers continue to use non-organic fertilizers humans are robbed of the very nutrients and trace minerals that they require to sustain their own health and well being as well as ascend.