it is impossible to trace out by history what kind of man he was.
but if you stop and trace out a way for another to follow, or a design for your own way of life, it will never come near you.
the intimate lip brush enables you to paint your lips by just a slight wipe and trace out a perfect lip shape.
by detecting the evolution of the cavitations of density, we can trace out the stealth vehicle.
as they pass through, they trace out an arc, just like a thrown ball falling due to gravity.
you can easily trace out the cause of it, but the depression doesn「t help, does it?
let us trace out in greater detail this computation of acceleration due to gravitational forces.
so far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
we need only look to the past to trace out the huge swaths of destruction that unyielding conviction has caused.
you can apply trace mask to trace out only specific components.
if you trace out from 「20%」, for example, you can see that 1 in 5 average-looking photos is at least a year old, meanwhile, among the hot photos, nearly 1 in 5 is at least two years old.
the first option -- shown in figure 13 -- is to trace out of the use case, which shows use cases on the top level and tracing to scenarios and test cases.
the hope is that systems-biology studies like these will eventually trace out the pathways the herbs are affecting.
you can」t have them that a final yin trace out glow gradually.
trace out the shape of a large love heart in the sand.
this composite image uses successive pictures recorded during the eclipse from athens, greece to trace out a large part of the umbra's curved edge.
这张合成图则是在雅典希腊所拍摄的, 拍摄者利用了连续曝光来记录月食,巧妙勾勒出本影的曲线。
variations in weather therefore allow us to trace out - to identify - the shape of the demand curve.
what shape does that middle rung trace out as the ladder falls to the floor?
i could trace out his skeleton with my eyes; the skeleton that desperately tried to stay ahead of the metallic stick and whip that the officers carried.