1. a usually light-colored volcanic rock consisting chiefly of potash feldspar
trachyte 片语
sodalite trachyte方钠粗面巖
anorthoclase trachyte歪长石粗面巖
arfvedsonite trachyte钠钙闪粗面巖
barkevikite trachyte棕闪粗面巖
volcanic trachyte火山粗面巖
leucite trachyte白榴粗面巖
Amduo trachyte安多粗面巖
trachyte porphyry粗面斑巖
nepheline trachyte霞石粗面巖
trachyte 例句
particularly, according to the relation of k2o content and gr, it is established to quantitatively identify basalt and trachyte by gamma ray curve. this method is precise and effective.