an electromagnetic tracking device was employed to measure the ranges of motion of the whole lumbar spine.
a tracking device has been fitted to the diamond and the firm will be tweeting clues using #diamondinthesky for gem hunters to join in the race in the search for the gem when it lands.
the last one caught, in 2007, was given a tracking device andfollowed daily for two years on the chance it would lead to others.
jack brings up the possibility of her planting a tracking device on alexis, but elizabeth is uneasy about ever seeing the man again.
after he pulls away harris waves a signal detector over alexis’ body and produces a tracking device on the hospital wristband.
well, the shipment was a bunch of weapons. not sure if this is connected to skynet, but i placed the tracking device in one of the containers.
with each deed, the recipient is handed a 「cheer pass, 」 a numbered card that serves as a tracking device for the effort「s viral component.
the sms communication between the tracking device and the tracked device is hidden and not logged.
wait! the tracking device has been activated, she」ll take us where we want to go.
at ctu, mason has nina attempt to locate alexis drazen with satellite simulators since the tracking device was destroyed.
as they are staking the man, roland「s data tracking device reveals that the cardholder is not the consul. it」s his wife, lisa tabak.
he instructs her to place the tracking device in alexis’ wallet.
those fitted with the tracking device were left to carry them after their batteries failed because recapture was deemed likely to further stress the birds.
they「re also designed to find the brightest spot in the sky during a cloudy day. the panels depend on this tracking device to follow the sun.
as the target drives around, the tracking device triangulates its position from three or four gps satellites, and digitally transmits its coordinates continuously by radio.
at the center of the case is a straightforward question: do the police need a search warrant to put a gps tracking device on a suspect」s vehicle?
the fbi reports indicate agents likely turned to the gps tracking device after it became increasingly difficult to tail her physically.