trade barrier
2025-01-06 21:05 浏览次数 1
covert trade barrier[贸易]
trade technology barrier贸易技术壁垒
trade protectionism保护主义;贸易壁垒
trade technical barrier贸易技术壁垒
trade barrierstrade barrier贸易壁垒
Technical Trade Barrier技术性贸易壁垒
Green Trade Barrier绿色贸易壁垒
trade e barrier贸易壁垒
The green trade barrier绿色贸易壁垒
Breaks Trade Protection Barrier突破贸易保护壁垒
from the economic angle, parallel import is related to monopoly, free competition as well as trade barrier and trade liberalism.
consequently, the research into the green trade barrier has theoretical and realistic significances.
if not, a trade barrier has been raised.
apart from trade protective motive, green trade barrier reflects, to some extent, the increasing awareness from the public in import country and embodies the rising green demand of import market.
with the dizzying-speed development of economy globalization, the green trade barrier has gradually became of the manifestations of international trade protectionism.
on the merits of the international law of trade, the green trade barrier has grown in the practice of the settlement on international disputes.
the government have lift trade barrier on foreign car.
green trade barrier has become one of the most effective means of trade protection in the current international trade realm due to its superficial rationality and concealment.
with the rapid development of international trade and increase in export, trade barrier and anti-dump we meet with are increasing quickly.
to join in wto, does not mean our products export can exempt from the restriction of the trade barrier .
green trade barrier is becoming the major character of the international trade protectionism with the end of the uruguay round and the establish of the wto.
compared with traditional tariff and non-tariff barriers, to build up green trade barrier tends to get more support at home and seems more reasonable because of its adaptability and uncertainty.
technical trade barrier has already become the main barrier in the exportation trade development of china「s farm goods .
this paper, through an analysis of the green trade barrier in zhejiang agricultural products exporting, puts forward the countermeasures of avoiding green trade barrier and enlarging the exporting.
green barrier is a trade barrier with strict environmental standards and other environmental requirement as its main contends.
in today」s tremendous tide of rapid economic development, trade barrier is imposing a bigger and bigger impact upon international trade.
green trade barrier is a kind of non- tariff trade measure aiming at environmental protection.
trade barrier is broken gradually, country economy is more free.
i'm sure that the export of food products of china will break the present technical trade barrier with the development and improvement of haccp system in food industry of china.
one trade barrier can beget another. developing nations respond to the farm subsidies with import on non-farm products from industrialized countries.