Tradescantia pallida紫鸭跖草
Tradescantia sillamontanaTradescantia sillamontana is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant of the genus Tradescanti This species is one of the most succulent and xerophytic, but at the same time one of the most ornamental and exotic species of Tradescanti
Tradescantia paludosa紫露草
Tradescantia reflexa紫露草
Tradescantia L紫露草属
Tradescantia fluminensisTradescantia fluminensis is a species of spiderwort native to South Americ It is one of several plants known by the common name Wandering Jew.
Tradescantia albiflora紫露草
Tradescantia virginianaTradescantia virginiana (Virginia spiderwort) is a species of Tradescantia (spiderwort) native to the eastern United State Spiderwort is commonly grown in gardens and many garden spiderworts seem to be hybrids of T.
Tradescantia spathaceaTradescantia spathacea, or Moses-in-the-Cradle, is a herb native to Mexico with fleshy rhizome It has rosettes of waxy lance-shaped leave