Stocks fell for the seventh straight trading day on Thursday, continuing what amounts to a slow-motion crash that has pulled the market down more than 20% over that brief period.
The shares closed at $9.65 on Aug. 13, the last trading day before Dell’s initial agreement was made public.
The Shanghai Composite Index dropped by 6.7% on August 31st after falling 3% on the previous trading day (it made up some of the loss later in the week).
On Thursday, the first full trading day in Europe since Dubai’s announcement, the FTSE 100 index in London lost 3.18 percent, to close down 170.68 points.
He began pouring money into the precious metal on the first trading day after the downgrade, and his foresight has paid off.
On the first full trading day after the summer holiday season wrapped up, the dollar hit its lowest point this year against the euro during London trading.
Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the time you get up each morning until you go to bed at night.
Thursday is the last trading day before the Christmas holiday, and volume is expected to be thin.
The Stoxx Europe 600 index /quotes/comstock/22c!sxxp (ST:STOXX600 278.99, +0.97, +0.35%) rose 0.5% to 277.95, extending the gains it made on the first trading day of 2011.
The Asian trading day was marked by a flurry of central-bank interventions before the dollar gained strength later in the day.