a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections
traffic light 片语
automated traffic arresting light主动红绿灯
automatic traffic signal light自动红绿灯
Traffic-Light Effect高光溢出
traffic signal light group交通信号灯组
traffic signal light交通灯号
LED Traffic Signal LightLED交通指示灯
Traffic Warning Light交通警示灯
Traffic LED Light交通灯
traffic light 例句
after one long sunday of unsuccessful house-hunting with their agent, the couple was anxious to get back home, but got stuck at a traffic light right next to an old barn that was under renovation.
fast food outlets be encouraged to display traffic light system and it be mandatory where health claims are made
ibm hasfiled a patent application for a traffic light system that can remotely stopand start the engines of vehicles, with the aim of increasing fuel consumptionefficiency at busy intersections.
these lights flickered continuously like traffic light which have gone mad.
the traffic light at the next corner turned red, but he whipped right at the corner without slowing.
the responsive traffic light system will soon be implemented in dresden, and zurich is also considering adopting the system.
「he’s got good morals, 」 conceded a graffiti artist called monkey, while helping his friend scale a traffic light and drape a banner: it depicted a grim reaper clutching fistfuls of banknotes.
look!the traffic light's yellow.wait.look!the traffic light is green.go!
john: when you leave the station, go to the third traffic light and then make a right on gilpin.
dr blewett said he believed a range of companies would voluntarily use traffic light labelling on their products, not just those that could display a green mark.
he added: "the use of a traffic light system to indicate the nutritional value of supermarket produce is now well-established.
today, i was stopped at a traffic light when a mid-aged homeless woman asked me for change.