the posting would affect the use of municipal public utilities, traffic safety facilities and marks;
is a traffic safety facilities installed in the middle of the road marking or double yellow lines the middle, through its reflective properties inverse to remind drivers to press the lane.
our company was established in 1985, professional road traffic safety facilities operating product products car-parking facilities;
freeway traffic safety facilities system has vital function on the aspect of ensure freeway safe-running of vehicles, improving highway service level and so on.
as an important traffic safety facilities of expressway, guardrail plays a key role in reducing the damage and property losses of road accident.
the research on the design method of traffic safety facilities of tourist highway is based on the classification of tourist highway.
the traffic safety facilities are the important auxiliary facilities of the superhighway, and it directly affects the superhighway operation state.
using traffic safety facilities or traffic signs or marks;
the main difficulties and problems is setting unreasonable on traffic safety facilities such as truck escape ramp, road signs and road traffic marking.
the research results offer consults for establishing traffic safety facilities standards as well as the traffic safety facilities selection and setting on rural highways in china.
traffic safety facilities must be constructed simultaneously and in compliance with the traffic safety rules and regulations.
the main difficulties and problems is traffic safety facilities setting unreasonable such as truck escape ramp, road signs and road traffic marking.