the essay points out that gao yang is not only a great novelist whose historical novels embody 「novel making history」 but also a master who creates a tragic atmosphere in his historical novels.
plenty of modernistic techniques having been exquisitely applied, the tragic atmosphere and the image of rain are aggravated to create the opposite scene when the catastrophe takes place.
lu xun「s novels were shrouded with tragic atmosphere because of the age of their production and the author」s insight into the society.
the last but not the least, both o「neill and cao yu employed skillfully symbolic images to intensify the tragic atmosphere of their tragedies and the tragic fate of their characters.
they give the novel a mysterious coloring, strengthen the tragic atmosphere and highlight the themes.
by means of showing dreams and souls of the deceased , it also exaggerates the tragic atmosphere , and intensifies the inevitable fate of the persians」losing the battle .