
2025-01-06 21:07 浏览次数 10



adj. 可训练的;可教育的

trainable 英语释义


    1. a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive

    2. an automotive tractor with one or more trailer units

    3. retinue, suite

    4. a moving file of persons, vehicles, or animals

    5. an orderly succession
    a train of thought

    6. order of occurrence leading to some result —often used in the phrase in train
    this humiliating process had been in train for decades
    — Paul Fussell

    7. accompanying or resultant circumstances aftermath
    consequences the discovery will bring in its train

    8. a series of moving mechanical parts (such as gears) that transmit and modify motion
    a gear train

    9. a part of a gown that trails behind the wearer

    10. the vehicles, personnel, and sometimes animals that furnish supply, maintenance, and evacuation services to a combat unit

    11. a series of parts or elements that together constitute a system for producing a result and especially for carrying on a process (as of manufacture) automatically

    12. a line of combustible material laid to lead fire to a charge

    13. to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient

    14. to form by instruction, discipline, or drill

    15. to make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill

    16. to direct the growth of (a plant) usually by bending, pruning, and tying

    17. to aim at an object or objective direct
    trained his camera on the deer training every effort toward success

    18. trail, drag

    19. to undergo instruction, discipline, or drill

    20. to go by train

    21. scheme, trick

    22. to teach (someone) the skills needed to do something (such as a job) to give instruction to (someone)

    23. to be taught the skills needed to do something (such as a job)

    24. to cause (someone or something) to develop an ability or skill

    25. a connected series of railway cars usually hauled by a locomotive

    26. a part of a gown that trails behind the wearer

    27. a connected series
    train of thought a train of events

    28. a moving line of persons, vehicles, or animals
    a wagon train

    29. the followers of an important person

    30. to give or receive instruction, discipline, or drill

    31. to teach in an art, profession, or trade
    I was never formally trained as a chef.

    32. to make ready (as by exercise) for a test of skill
    He's training for the race.

    33. to teach (an animal) to obey

    34. to make (a plant) grow in a particular way usually by bending, trimming, or tying

    35. to aim something at a target
    We trained our eyes on the horizon.

trainable 片语


Trainable TTS可训练语音合成


trainable laucher教练发射装置

trainable retardate可训练弱智者

trainable mentally retarded children可训练心智不足儿童


Trainable retarder mentally person可训练的智力落后者

trainable mentally retarded可训练的智力发育迟缓

trainable controller[计]

trainable pattern classifier可训练模式分类器

trainable launcher[军]

trainable 例句


  • The regular Storm Crow form remains trainable at level 68 and moves at 60%. Also as previous, the normal flying mount skill comes with the form.


  • The last topic is about a trainable object detection system using at its core a Support Vector Machine classifier.


  • Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters.


  • A new trainable ability Purified armor will grant intellect based on armor value.


  • Blessing of Kings is now trainable at level 20. Removed from talent trees.


  • Nature's Blessing is now a trainable skill.


  • Hiree talent, not just trainable skills. Skills can be taught to a talented employee. A skilled employee can not just be given talent.


  • Divine Spirit is now trainable at level 31.


  • World-class companies hire with non-trainable skills in mind, because they know they can mend those gaps in the trainable areas.


  • Note: These new 「racials」 are not racials, they are trainable to all Priests.


  • In this paper, a trainable and fast partial parsing method for Chinese is presented.


trainable 同义词



