negative coping style score and neuroticism score as independent variables entered the regression equation of trait anxiety score.
the research conclusions:1, the pre-competition trait anxiety and competition anxiety of wushu routine athletes showed no significant difference in gender, exercise level and education level;
results compared with the whole country norm, the state and trait anxiety of undergraduate were higher(p0.01).
results: after intensive naikan therapy, state and trait anxiety of the 6 patients was significantly lower than before(p0.03).
trait anxiety score as an independent variable entered the regression equation of state anxiety score.
results (1)state and trait anxiety is negatively correlated with global self-worth, general self-worth and special self-worth.
composed of 44 items and 8 factors , the influencing factor inventory on trait anxiety was developed by means of exploratory analysis and confirmatory analysis with good reliability and validity.
the results show that the underlying distribution of trait anxiety is discrete; there are subtypes in trait anxiety with some characters.
these results suggest progressive muscular relaxation and autogenesis can both improve the stability and shift ability of attention of students with high trait anxiety under stress.
logistic analysis indicated that self esteem, negative coping styles, social support and trait anxiety had great influence on social avoidance and distress.
there is a need of further research into the cause that the trait anxiety is higher than the state anxiety in this test.
conclusion the state and trait anxiety of undergraduates in three universities is higher than the whole country norm.
results the group with the state and trait anxiety at the same level had a better performance in the english test than the unbalance group (p0.05).
the results showed:(1) the public self-consciousness, competitive trait anxiety and approach coping style could totally explain 37.