Roman emperor and adoptive son of Nerva; extended the empire to the east and conducted an extensive program of building (53-117)
Trajan 片语
Trajan Fountain图拉真喷泉
Trajan Langdon克里弗兰
Trajan Forum图拉真广场
Trajan Column图拉真柱
Alan Trajan表演者
Trajan Emperor纪念图拉真大帝
Goudy Trajan衍生变体
Emperor Trajan图拉真皇帝
Trajan Petrovski特拉扬·彼得洛夫斯基
Trajan 例句
We have a whole set of exchanges of his letters with the emperor Trajan on a variety of administrative political matters.
我们拥有他与图拉真皇帝之间关于各种政务 管理问题的全部往还书信。
Scientists attribute this to good quality water and a lack of natural predators in the water channel that runs under the Palatine Hill and surfaces in the Trajan Market.
You can go to the top of this mountain, the Acropolis in Pergamum and the Austrian archeologists are rebuilding all these temples to Trajan and Hadrian on the top of this hill.
I「ve used the font Trajan because it」s a really dramatic looking font.
Trajan becomes Roman Emperor after the death of Nerva.