gymnastic apparatus consisting of a strong canvas sheet attached with springs to a metal frame; used for tumbling
trampoline 片语
wall trampoline墻蹦床
Bouncy Trampoline蹦蹦兔
bounding table蹦床
trampoline player蹦床运动员
Obama Trampoline奥巴马蹦床游戏
trampoline game蹦床运动
trampoline sports蹦床运动
Blonde Trampoline金发碧眼的蹦床摔跤
Ego Trampoline流行舞曲
Mini trampoline高飞迷你蹦床
trampoline 例句
it「s a useful trampoline for children to learn how to get by.
impact: his company, trampoline systems, produces a 「a technology that helps groups of people connect, collaborate and manage large quantities of information.」
delaney's wife is the origin of his idea: "nyssa asked me to get her a mini trampoline as a gift. after about a week of using it, she said it was getting boring.