n. 抄写;抄本;誊写
2025-01-06 21:09 浏览次数 1
n. 抄写;抄本;誊写
"she watched the recording from a sound-proof booth"
Transcription Termination转录终止
phonetic transcription标音法
allophonic transcription音值注音
transcription repressor转录阻遏物
transcription machineThe transcription machine is a special purpose machine which is used for word or voice processing. This special device manages audio video recording to transcribe them into written or hard copy form.
Narrow transcription严式标音
reverse transcription[分子生物] 反转录,逆转录
transcription factor[遗] 转录因子
Transcription bubble转录泡
DNA Transcription脱氧核糖核酸的翻译
basal transcription基础转录
singing changes expression for over 800 genes in the song control center, including ones that alter the expression of transcription factors and their targets.
i would like to stress that the linear version is not only a transcription but a real critical establishment of the text that includes all the modifications that an editor had deemed necessary.
the image of each page comes with a window describing the locations of darwin「s notes and a transcription of his somewhat illegible scrawl.
they study an alphabet soup of transcription factors, messengers, regulators and other types of dna that interact with protein-coding genes to sustain the processes of life.
the fact that this transcription factor appears to be conserved in humans and songbirds suggests it has an important function in microrna regulatory pathways.
at least, that was the case for mice, as he found by tinkering with various combinations of transcription factors until he discovered a set that would do the trick.
that doesn」t stop the paper from piling up on their desks, however. make a business out of doing data entry, bookkeeping and transcription for your fellow business owners.
a potential site of action for the micrornas aligns to an area in a human gene, nr4a3, that encodes a transcription factor protein.
in 2007, researchers announced the creation of ips cells from human skin cells by exposing them to proteins called transcription factors that influence dna.
each type of cell is thought to have a special set of transcription factors.
later, scientists from harvard university in the us showed that mouse pancreas cells could be reprogrammed by infecting them with viruses carrying genes for just three transcription factors.
if that can be done, the new method may take over from the existing lash-up by which pluripotent stem cells with the genomes of particular individuals are made using transcription factors.
for example, circuits can simulate the interactions between genes involved in lactose metabolism and the transcription factors that regulate their expression in bacterial cells.
by visualizing the process at the level of a single gene, the researchers were able to work out the different mechanics of transcription between the human and viral promoter.
it is a common characteristic of the so-called promoter regions of genes, where transcription begins, that they contain long, repetitive sequences of alternating cs and gs.
the new field depends on capturing master proteins called transcription factors that control which sets of genes are active in a cell and thus what properties the cell will possess.
the colli / montinari edition is not a genetic edition indeed and it does not even publish a page by page transcription of all manuscripts.
it contains the facsimile production of ecce homo, nietzsche's autobiography, including a transcription and commentary.
the chief problem with previous methods for visualizing transcription in mammalian cells is that these require researchers to blast cells with hundreds of copies of the specially tagged gene.
handwriting suffers from what experts in the psychology of note-taking – yes, such people exist – call 「low transcription fluency」: the need to focus on the process gets in the way of exploring ideas.
but even when the transcription factors in question have been identified, the problem of the energetic trade-off with pigment production and longevity will remain.
as is also typical for these projects, however, there is no way for the public or other scholars to directly participate by fixing potential errors in the transcription or translation, for example.
not only are the necessary nodes created, but the http url information contained in the wsdl file is also copied, thereby eliminating transcription errors.
what dr yamanaka discovered in his work on mice was a group of transcription factors that switched on the pattern of gene expression which says, 「i am an embryonic stem cell.」